A late 19th century composition stone garden statue of the god Mercury, produced by the Belgian company Blaton-Aubert; provenance Villa Pax, the Walloon provinces.
Dimensions: 210 cms high
Condition: Caduceus and wing of 1 foot is lacking, otherwise general good condition, nice patina
Reference: DEG052011
MERCURY According to mythology, Mercury, the Roman god was a messenger. He supervised all trade and commerce and bestowed profit or loss, according to each person's worth. His name is derived out the Latin term 'merx', which translates to merchandise. Mercury has had a profound influence on science, with a planet and intriguing element named after him. The epithet 'mercurial', also associated with Mercury, the Roman god, refers to erratic or unstable. This epithet is derived from Mercury's ability to fly swiftly from place to place. He is often depicted with winged sandals or feet (talaria), a winged helmet (petasus) and holding the Caduceus in his hand.